W E L C O M E  T O

Carl Joseph Music



Pianist. Performer.

Carl has performed at private events around the globe for some of the biggest names in entertainment and fashion, from Adele and Simon Cowell to Dior, Paris Haute Couture Week and the British Fashion Awards; from BAFTA, Disney and Universal to Virgin's V Festival. As a classical artist he has performed and acted at venues such as Sadler's Wells, Young Vic and performed solo at the Royal Albert Hall. Equally at home as a concert performer, all-round showman and composer, Carl is a true musical renaissance man.


“Carl is a brilliant pianist with a fabulous personality and, when you combine this with his truly extraordinary encyclopaedic knowledge of so many songs, he is quite simply perfect whatever the event or occasion.  He has added so very much to each and every event I have done with him.  This is also one of those recommendations you are slightly loath to make, as it is very tempting to keep him as a hidden treasure to ensure he will also be available when we need him again!”

— Amanda Berry OBE

E V E N T S  &  E N Q U I R I E S

“Carl is quite simply a master of his craft and something of a magician. He can transform any kind of occasion and hold an audience enthralled by his endless repertoire which he manipulates so skilfully to suit the room he’s in. He mesmerised the audience of the most discerning festival-goers in our hospitality extravaganza that was the Louder Lounge at V Festival for 4 years running. I have no doubt that our guests left with far more vivid memories of Carl lingering in their minds than they had of Eminem, Beyonce, Rihanna, Timberlake et al!”

— Simon Dornan
Head of Brand Activation, Virgin Media